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Focus on Jesus

And understand your neighbor

We've heard it said many times that if you know your Jesus and your Bible so well you will never be confused or consumed by a counterfeit gospel. This is true, and you should start there, but if you want to make a lasting impact you need to understand who you are dealing with and how you can speak the truth in love directly to them. Below are resources to help you do that.

A general overview

Start here to understand how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) differs from Christianity on core beliefs such as Jesus, salvation, our timeline of existence, our purpose, and more.

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Speak their language

Don't assume that because Latter Day Saints use the same Christian terms as you do that their words have the same meaning. If you do not understand their language you will always go around in circles.

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Build bridges not barriers

It's so easy to get into a debate or an argument with a Latter Day Saint. Try your best to not go down that road. This course will teach you how to witness in love and build bridges, not barriers.

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